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Fig. 3 | Fungal Biology and Biotechnology

Fig. 3

From: Non-canonical two-step biosynthesis of anti-oomycete indole alkaloids in Kickxellales

Fig. 3

Secretion of lindolins under natural conditions. Linderina pennispora, Martensiomyces pterosporus and Coemansia furcata were submersely grown in liquid meat medium under agitation. Crude extracts of culture supernatants (A) and mycelia (B) were chromatographed. In addition, cultures were emersely cultivated on meat agar plates (C) and in potting soil supplemented with d-glucose (D). Authentic standards of 4 and 5 served as controls (E). Pictures of the soil cultures are shown above the chromatograms (Aerial mycelium is mainly visible for L. pennispora and C. furcata. Minor white spots in the control plates are part of the soil substrate). Chromatograms were recorded by UHPLC-MS and overlaid extracted ion chromatograms were shown for m/z 293 [M−H] and m/z 309 [M−H] for 4 (red trace) and 5 (blue trace), respectively. Non-inoculated media or soil served as negative controls. Asterisks indicate an unrelated compound that is also present in the soil negative control. Note, that lindolin A (4) is absent in the mycelium, but is the predominant secreted compound in the supernatant, agar plates and soil

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