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Scheme 1 | Fungal Biology and Biotechnology

Scheme 1

From: Subcellular localization of fungal specialized metabolites

Scheme 1

Overview of major classes of biosynthetic enzymes in fungi. A Polyketide biosynthesis; B terpenoid biosynthesis; C non-ribosomal peptide biosynthesis. SAT : starter unit: acyl-carrier protein transacylase; KS: ketosynthase; AT: acyltransferase; PT: product template; ACP: acyl carrier protein; MT: methyltransferase; TD: terminal domain; TH: thiolation; KR: ketoreductase; ER: enoylreductase; TS / TC: terpene synthase / terpene cyclase; C: condensation; A: adenylaton; M: methylation; T: thiolation; E: epimerase. Catalytical domains that are shown faded may or may not be present

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